@Mike_Parkinson is a globally recognised presentation expert and acclaimed trainer.

One of 36 Microsoft PowerPoint MVPs in the world, Mike is CPP APMP Fellow, best-selling author and an industry thought leader. He is a partner at 24 Hour Company and owns 

Billion Dollar Graphics.

Simple Slide Makeovers

March 16th, 5:30 pm IST on ZOOM

Turn ugly, unprofessional slides into professional designs quickly. 

Transform those boring, “been-there-done-that” presentations into something you are proud. Using these simple, yet effective solutions, make your job easier.

Be the hero. 

Key Takeaways:

  • Learn to do speedy slide makeovers
  • Fix even the ugliest presentations in minutes
  • Make your PowerPoint content more professional and compelling
  • Use these tools and techniques immediately